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17 Years with You

From soft hues that create a calming feeling to vibrant colors that add a bold touch, we use precise technique and a varied color palette to reflect your style and personality in every corner of your home or business.

Paint Your Dream

17 Years Of Undefeated Success

With durable and weather resistant paints, we transform facades into impressive visual statements. Whether it is to give life to a new construction or to renew the image of an existing structure, we guarantee attractive and lasting results.




Years of experience with proud


successful Projects


Guaranteed Services

Paint Your Dream

Quality Services

Interior Painting

From soft hues that create a calming feeling to vibrant colors that add a bold touch, we use precise technique and a varied color palette to reflect your style and personality in every corner of your home or business.

Exterior Painting

With durable and weather resistant paints, we transform facades into impressive visual statements. Whether it is to give life to a new construction or to renew the image of an existing structure, we guarantee attractive and lasting results.

New Projects & Re-Paints

Our paint services for new projects ensure a fresh, long-lasting foundation, while our refinish options revive and update existing surfaces with a new layer of color and life.

Stucco Bricks Woods

Our painting expertise covers a variety of surfaces, from stucco to brick and wood. Using specific techniques and products for each material, we ensure optimal adherence and results that enhance the texture and nature of each surface.

Drywall Install

Trust us for the professional installation of drywall in your projects. Our installation experts ensure that surfaces are ready to receive the final finish, creating a solid, uniform base for subsequent painting or coating.

Drywall Repairs & More !

Our drywall repair service fixes blemishes, cracks, and damage to existing surfaces. Using precise techniques and high-quality compounds, we restore the visual and structural integrity of your walls and ceilings.

We are Professionals

Founded by Olman Mejia the Owner

Your vision is our starting point, and we are committed to bringing your ideas to life through our painting expertise.

Company Values

Customer Service


Our team of painters is known for their professionalism and attention to detail.

Each member of our team is an expert in their craft and works with passion to achieve results that leave a lasting impression. From color selection to finishing touches, each step is carried out with the intention of creating a beautiful, well-finished environment.


Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547

Call Us Now

(850) 357-0352

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About Us

OEM Quality Paint LLC has evolved from its beginnings in 2005 to the present day.


8 AM to 6 PM

We Cover

100 Miles



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Get In Touch

Contact for any query

Transparent communication is a fundamental pillar of

Our relationship with our clients. Before beginning any project, we work with you to understand your goals and needs.

Our expertise spans both residential and commercial projects.

From cozy interiors to stunning facades, we offer a wide range of painting services to meet all your design and renovation needs.

Every space is unique, and…

we are passionate about working with you to achieve results that reflect your personal style or business identity.